Friday, August 04, 2006

it's been almost a year since i last posted anything on my other blogs. busy with school, busy from work, busy with drinking and most of all busy with sleep. hopefully with this new one i can post every once in a while.

Most of the time, i spend my hours staring blankly into the computer screen and the tv wondering about what to do. I think and think but alas, nothing comes up and i spend the day staring at the tv. completely oblivious to the fact that i actually have a lot of things to do.

what is it about school that makes it so dreadful to even think about? is there some cosmic power at school that drains the living energy out of students? it's like slowly sucking your brain through a soda straw. slowly but surely my brain's turning into goo. yuck(but oddly there's a kick to it). earlier today we had a lecture on hotel design and i just dozed off..and dreamt that i was in the hotel itself and my professor was my personal maid.. too bad that was just a daydream.

a couple of hours later, my friends and i were eating at flaming wings, we ate buffalo wings with carribean jack sauce and original flavor. i love and hate eating there, reasons:

  • the food is really good, wings are very tasty
  • relatively cheap
  • servings are huge
  • churros dessert is great

things i hate:

  • Coño girls from the neighboring school and
  • I can't avoid drinking a bottle of beer.

i know a bottle is not much. heck that won't even reach your stomach. it's just that i still had class. i would have to go to my professor and stink of beer. well, at least it gives you courage to face your professor and deliver your report.