Wednesday, August 23, 2006

hey quick update I got voted as best answer!!!!!!!

Here's the question:

"Is there anyone here who has tried eating a balot or penoy?"

Of course my reply was:

i prefer the "balut sa puti". the chick fetus is still very young so the bones are really soft and there isn't much hair(feathers still look like hair)but most of all i like the soup and the yellow part(yolk).


as for penoy, the best would be the "masabaw or uhugin" the eggyolk and white are just a mush inside perfect with a pinch of salt.

I just recently discovered Yahoo! Answers and it was quite fun answering questions i know and just making fun of what i don't know( a way to rack up the points)

Heck it's helping out with my thesis too...Not bad...

There was this one question about how does it feel to ride a jeepney during rush hour...
and i heck of an answer:

Jeepneys are then inspiration for the moon buggies, able to move its way against impossible terrain. The seats are designed for about 8 people on each bench but the driver fits about 9 people each. At night during rush hour, jeepneys can get quite dizzying with their colorful interior lighting of yellow, blue and red. people are all crammed up like sardines but still even in the compact space, the noisy engine and the rough street, people are still able to sleep soundly. As for terminals, there are only select stops that have terminals, these are usually the ones near CBDs or (centrak business districts) or famous schools like the University of the Philippines. During rush hour, lines can reach up to the round of the corner if there is limited jeepneys available. Only in Makati can you find the airconditioned jeep. You're lucky if you happen to catch one of those.There are different looks for jeepneys. Some are really colorful with booming sound systems, while there are others that are very dilapidated with holes on the floor(don't worry you won't fall) but regardless of how they look, they are really fast. i believe that if you put jeepneys drivers against famous race car drivers around the world they would win. no cop can chase them.the noise is bearable, just imagine an old angine that is revving up. atmosphere is generally quite if you are alone(meaning you don't have a companion) there's this genereal rule "never to look anyone in the eye". everyone just tends to look outside the window. it's okay to sit beside strangers only NO NOs are:
1.) those who are sweaty and smelly people
2.) those who are sleeping that tend to lean on your shoulder(duh, i don't know the guy)
3.) women with really long hair and it flies towards your face
4.) pickpockets, slashers(guys who use extra sharp blades to cut through your bag and steal your stuff)
5.) perverts (those who intentionally rub their arms or legs towards your body)The concept of crowding in the philippines is really non existent. mrt, jeepneys, concerts, anything....filipinos just tend to look at the bright side of the situation. we don't care that the jeep is too crowded, we're just thankful we got on a jeep to avoid being late, etc... Source(s):
15 years of riding the damn thing

It got one vote as best answer but still no decision yet....

Monday, August 07, 2006

Its been an exciting but rather uneventful weekend for me. I had a party on saturday and an all day outing with my family on sunday. Seems like bleh but it was really just okay.

The party was for a korean organization, a sort of friendship society for filipinos and koreans. Well, it seems that as of now, no friendship has been made. we're occasional companions, talking to each other in meetings but not really talking. do yo guys get what i mean? it's like I ask a question, he answers then he asks a question then i answer. there's no real communication...
then there's that long eerie pause, an awkward moment, waiting for the other person to speak but not getting any response. Then you start to speak, but end up speaking both at the same time, this makes for a more awkward atmosphere.

I don't know if it's because there is a language barrier or we just don't have the courage to talk to anyone yet, especially to a foreign stranger. Well here is hoping for a better response from them. well, just hoping.

here's to bonding sessions ----> drinking sessions!

As for my sunday outing with my family, it wasn't really an outing but more of just waiting for my sister to take her UPCAT. Yes, the damned UPCAT. My sister took it just like i did almost four years ago. Hopefully she'll pass or she'll be studying in God knows where. My mom has this rule of UP or nothing at all (unless you pass Ateneo or La Salle with a full scholarship grant--->like that's gonna happen<---)

Well, even though my sister and I are not what you would call sisters, i still hope for the best for her. she's a good student(take note...student not kid) but she needs more experience with the real world or for that matter, just with people outside her social cluster. She's too dependent of other people and i don't think she's ready to be on her own. That's what you're most likely to be here in UP. You don't have your mom there everytime to reprimand your teacher for scolding you or giving you a low grade. You can't have that laid back attitude you had with assignments and school work. You don't have the comfort of a having the answers to your homework in the textbook. you really have to study this time, you're on your own buddy...

As dreadful aas it may sound, college life in UP is fun. there's the freedom of speech, there's the everyday concert you can find anywhere i the campus. there's the ample supply of fishballs and isaw for the hungry poor(me). there are those unique traditions only in UP can u find like the Lantern Parade and of course the oblation run.

Well, who knows of what the future might bring. I might become a korean interpreter in the future or just a kimbap roller by the street. My sister might fail or she might even be in the top ten passers(hehehe, think not) but who knows???

Friday, August 04, 2006

it's been almost a year since i last posted anything on my other blogs. busy with school, busy from work, busy with drinking and most of all busy with sleep. hopefully with this new one i can post every once in a while.

Most of the time, i spend my hours staring blankly into the computer screen and the tv wondering about what to do. I think and think but alas, nothing comes up and i spend the day staring at the tv. completely oblivious to the fact that i actually have a lot of things to do.

what is it about school that makes it so dreadful to even think about? is there some cosmic power at school that drains the living energy out of students? it's like slowly sucking your brain through a soda straw. slowly but surely my brain's turning into goo. yuck(but oddly there's a kick to it). earlier today we had a lecture on hotel design and i just dozed off..and dreamt that i was in the hotel itself and my professor was my personal maid.. too bad that was just a daydream.

a couple of hours later, my friends and i were eating at flaming wings, we ate buffalo wings with carribean jack sauce and original flavor. i love and hate eating there, reasons:

  • the food is really good, wings are very tasty
  • relatively cheap
  • servings are huge
  • churros dessert is great

things i hate:

  • Coño girls from the neighboring school and
  • I can't avoid drinking a bottle of beer.

i know a bottle is not much. heck that won't even reach your stomach. it's just that i still had class. i would have to go to my professor and stink of beer. well, at least it gives you courage to face your professor and deliver your report.