Friday, May 30, 2008

Help set a new World Record and get Firefox 3 as well!

Mozilla Firefox is trying to set a new world record for the most software downloads in 24 hours. Why not help them and get your copy of Firefox 3 too:

All you have to do is download Firefox 3 during Download Day to help set the record. To to this, you need to pledge to download Firefox 3. Just pledge in their website and they will send you the link in your email come Download Day.

Click on the picture to pledge:

Download Day 2008

Friday, May 23, 2008

I remember the PACONIAN days…

It was a sad Wednesday for me as I came to work and realized that there was no internet connection in the office. (duh… place sarcastic remark here)

Lounging about doing nothing, Daphne, my co-worker, and I realized that we were schoolmates though our batches are eons apart from each other (hehehe). We chatted nonstop about those nasty yet quirky teachers and the changes that have happened with the school. My dear school, Paco Catholic School, has gone through so much renovation that an old student, like Daphne, wouldn’t even recognize it. Even the dome of the church has undergone so many color transformations: from gold to green and now, I think, peach or orange.

Yes, change really is constant and time seems to make it evolve even more. The look of the school has really changed but much of the strict discipline still remains. Everybody still has to be inside the school gates before the clock strikes 6:50 in the morning or you’ll be forced to wait outside the school gates until 7:10, then you have to take the walk of shame past all the other classrooms that have already started their classes. Thank God for those rainy days when there were no tardy slips to be handed out. Long skirts are banned from the school premises making sure that all of the girls’ skirts were exactly a ruler’s height off the floor (I think I only used a 6”ruler for my skirt).

Most of the teachers there were the no-nonsense type but there were a few weird and kind ones that stuck out. Here’s a shout out to you Sir Plaza and of course Ms. Aguilan (hehehe, sipsip). I think they were the only ones who truly allowed us to get our own way. ^o^
Ah, my dear school, I think there was no better place for me to get my high school education. I think that you are the only school that helps keep your students’ feet stuck to the ground (although our heads do occasionally wander off somewhere in the clouds).

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Miss Bree

I just finished giving my dear laptop a much needed makeover. Now, it looks new. hehehe... ^_^

It took quite a long time to decide which was the most appropriate design for dear 'Miss Bree'. Yes, I just gave my laptop a name. Since I just lost my 'Obi', I had to look for another target for my affection. I don't know why I chose the name Miss Bree. When I look at it now, the name just pops into my head. Maybe because it looks a little bit posh now or maybe it reminds me of Bree Van De Kamp's red hair (if you don't know Bree Van De Kamp, you need to watch Desperate Housewives). Maybe it's just something lame like B for black and REE for red.

Maybe in a few days I will grow tired of looking at Miss Bree. For now, it's my new baby...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Goodbye Obi

I cannot believe it… my beloved dog Obi has left us and has gone to doggie heaven. There, I know you would be able to fill yourself with your addiction of pandesal.

I regret not having spent as much time with you as I used to. I still remember the memories that you left behind. You are a truly special dog. So special, that even the people at McDonald’s let you enter their restaurant to eat. You are the friendliest dog ever that even our neighbors were able to take you out for a walk.

You left us when you were still pure and innocent. You were just barely 7 years old and you still had a full life ahead of you. I regret it. I regret it so much.

Seeing cobwebs….

I’ve got to admit, cobwebs have been covering almost every nook and cranny of this blog. I wish I could be able to remove that date stamp on this post. It just shows how much of a lazy bum I’ve been. Ella said that if a pregnant woman read my last post she would have had the baby by now. I corrected her; the baby would be turning one month old. ^_^

I’m not really the blogger-type of person. I just like reading and commenting on other people’s blog. I constantly run out of ideas to put in and so, incessant ramblings and nonsense is what the usual content of my blog is. These ramblings just go on and on forever. Even after I have posted it, I still continue to ramble in my mind.

Cobwebs, they actually are a real beauty. I will continue on with this blog without disturbing much of the elaborate designs that these internet spiders have woven for me.