Thursday, October 23, 2008

What's new??? :D

Nothing new much... oh yeah, I forgot.

I resigned from CBB almost a month ago. I love you guys but I just can't stand some people there and I'm sick of saying "Hello (insert student's name here). How are you? How was your day? blah, blah, blah...." I need a change of environment. My vocal chords need some rest too. One thing that I do miss though are my students. I still keep in contact with most of them through e-mail, chat and god-forbid Cyworld. hehehe

I am now with a new company. A design firm where most of my friends have already worked and passed on (parang na-dedo lang ah) hehehe. It's a refreshing change for me. My vocal chords are well rested but my hands are in for a beating. Kaya yan! The hardest part about working in this company is waking up early. hahaha. I'm still used to snoring during lunchtime.

And one more thing: I am starting a vegan lifestyle. Wish me luck..